School Holiday Program
By popular demand, our highly rated school holiday program is back!!!

Day plans
These plans are indicative. Based on our past experience, these activities and arrangements are best suited for programs of this type, but due to the highly dynamic nature, supervisors will make appropriate decisions on a day-to-day basis to best adapt and suit for individuals on the day.
Week 1
Day 1-3 (15th - 17th April):
Orientation and Play-Based Familiarisation
Allow everyone to get to know each other
Indoor activity: Sing songs, play games, read books, balloons, gym ball, play doh, observe responses from participants.
Relaxation: lazy 8 breathing exercise; music time; reading; puzzles.
Sensory play, such as sand play, bubble play, water play might be introduced if confident participants can follow instruction to end a task with prompts.
Other options for the first 3 days activities: West Ryde Aquatic Centre for Swimming; Water play in nearby parks (Bicentennial Park); Bubble play and basketball play in John Wearn Reserve.
Get familiar with the environment
Feel free explore the office and different toys. Give each participant a choice of two games/toys each time.
If feeling confident, carers may take participants to the shopping centre across the road for a short walk, remain observant to response from participants.
Week 1
Day 4 (18th April):
Trampoline Fun
Location: Flip out / Bounce
Activities: Sensory, Gross motor
Cost: approximately $50 for 2 hours
Week 1
Day 5 (19th April):
City day trip
Location: Museum + Darling Harbour
Activities: Museum, water play
Cost: train ticket
Week 1
Day 6 (20th April):
Ferry Meadow bank to Cabarita
Location: Meadow bank to Cabarita
Activities: Education for Ferry ride for independence training, Beach fun / play ground / picnic
Cost: Ferry ticket
Week 2
Day 1 (22nd April):
Koala park tour
Location: Koala Park Pennant Hills
Activities: Educational programs on animals & hygiene
Cost: Park entry fee, $12 pp (special rate)
Week 2
Day 2 (23rd April):
Lane Cove National park
Location: Lane Cove National Park
Activities: Hiking + Picnic + Kayak
Cost: $10 pp
Week 2
Day 3 (24th April):
Olympic Park
Location: Bicentennial Park (Olympic park)
Activity: water play + playground + social skills building
Cost: free
Week 2
Day 4 (25th April):
Cockatoo Island
Week 2
Day 5 (26th April):
Burwood Sports Fun Day
Location: Cockatoo Island
Activity: Day tour and educational program
Cost: Ferry ticket
Location: Burwood park / Burwood public school basketball court
Activity: Burwood park playground + table tennis, picnic, basketball
Cost: free
Week 2
Day 6 (27th April):
Wrap up
Location: Eastwood
Activity: Review, pictures and videos for the whole program, Indoor artwork, e.g. highlight of the program, Eastwood Park - games
Cost: free